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At Strong young Tree, We offer The Following Programs:

Echinacea Formula

Liver Formula

Kidney Formula

Colon Cleanse

Colon cleanse is an excellent way to start detoxing and improving the overall health in one’s body. The herbs in this formula are famous for their ability to stimulate, cleanse and protect the bowels and rid the body of waste. This cleanse will enhance the bowel functions, strengthen the bowels and muscles and walls. Our colon cleanse herbal combination contains the following.

Our lower bowel Formula include cape aloe leaf cascara Sagarda , barberry root/ bark,garlic, ginger, senna leaves cleansing and healing of the bowel is likely the most important way of detoxing and promoting our overall health within the body. This colon cleanse increases bowel movement daily by assisting body to remove the waste.

Kidney Cleanse

These herbs support the kidney to flushes the wastes from the system. Our kidney cleanse herbals combination contains the following:

Our kidney kit include Uva Ursi leaves, juniper berries corn silk horsetail burdock root/seeds. This herbal blend will help cleanse, detox and nourish the kidneys. It will also help dissolve excess minerals in the urinary system clear chronic infection maintain healthy urine flow and support the overall health of the kidneys.

Liver Cleanse

The Liver is the vacuum cleaner of our body. this herbal formula will support the full functionality of the liver. Our liver cleanse herbal combination contains the following:

Paraside Cleanse kit

Our herbal blend include wormwood, Blackwalnut, cloves, pumpkin seeds,Liver formula,echinecea formula.

These formulas help to flush and cleanse the body of harmful organisms.These harmful organisms steal minerals, pollute the body with waste affect the major organs and weaken the immune system.

Strong young tree highly recommended to limit sweets or sugary fruit and dried fruits but instead recommend you consumed large amount of watermelon, papaya, etc While doing this cleanse.


Try strong young tree cayenne tincture

Our blend provide you with the highest organic cayenne pepper

It will protect your Heart

It will increase your cellular level

It will improves digestion

It will promote healthy weight etc

The LiverTea/Tincture kit

Our liver herbal kit include milk thistle seed, dandelion Oregon grape root, Gentian root,  wormwood leaf and flower black walnut ginger rhizome. The liver is the seat of metabolism within the body, The liver remove metabolic waste products that will strengthen your root with our herbal blend to ensure natural detoxification and digestive support. This will also provide parasite support to remove harmful organisms from the gut.


Antispasmodic formulas (antipas)

Our blended herbs included lobelia seeds skullcap slunk cabbage gum myth etc

The herbal formula provide support for muscle cramps and spasms in the body and reduce both physical and psychological tension as well.

Female Detox and Building

This Detox and cleanse will help support the female reproductive system by will detoxify waste and mucus from all major organs throughout the body to promote health. This herbal formula provides the body with many natural properties it needs to be healthy. wholesome and revitalize our female detox & building herbal combination contains the following:

Total  Female detox Kit

This detox blend contains herbs to flush toxins and mucus from the body it target all major organs the blood and also provide the body with minerals.

Female support tea blend

8 oz root tea

  1. Lower blood capsules
  2. Bladder wrack or sea moss
  3. Strong young tree supper blend also available in formulas.

Female  Formulas

helps in balancing the hormones

Digestive Health

This formula will promote good digestion. Our Digestive Health herbal combination contains the following:

Tooth and Gum

This formula protects the gum and teeth from bad bacteria. It also aids in mouth hygiene. Our Tooth and Gum herbal combination contains the following:

Blood Building and Cleansing

This formula will cleanse the blood and help to remove all impurities from the system. Blood building can aid in purifying the blood, energy build up and help the body fight diseases. Our Blood Building & cleansing herbal combination contains the following:

Blood Cleansing/purification formula

This  powerful combination of root herbs is used to cleanse the blood from all impurities:  These herbs help relieve the body of pathogens and toxins that is circulating in the blood.This compromises the health of your entire body together they target the blood, lymphatic system liver/kidney,

Dandelion root, Yellow dock Root, sarsaparilla Root,Burdock root, Hydrangea root and poke root.

1.Burdock root detoxifies the blood and improve the circulation which is optimal to cleanse liver /kidney.

2.Yellow dock root stimulates bile production aiding in the digestion of fat it also stimulates digestive tract, cleanse lymphatic system, is a blood purifier and live gallbladder cleaner.  

3.Sarsaparilla root links toxins and removed them from the blood and body and also have the highest concentration on iron.

4.Dandelion root isa liver and gallbladder herbs promote removal of waste products which aids digestion it also eliminate toxins due to infection/pollution from the body

5.Hydrangea root cleanses the lymphatic system breaks up calcification and dissolves kidney stones it also dissolves calcium deposits in soft tissues.

Male Detox and Building

Male Detox and Building This detox and cleanse will help support the male reproductive system by will detoxify waste and mucus from all major organs throughout the body to promote health. This herbal formula provides the body with many natural properties it needs to be healthy, wholesome and revitalize. Our Male Detox & building herbal combination contains the following:

Total Male Detox Kit

This detox contains herbs to flush toxins and mucus from the body, it target all major organs the blood and also provide the body minerals. 

Male support tea blend

8 oz root tea

  1. Root Tea
  2. Lower LBF
  3. Bladder wrack capsules and strong young tree supper blend

Male booster formula 

This tea blend will support testosterone balance libido, cleanse sperm and increase sperm connect. This tea also detoxes the blood and body from toxins herbs include blue vervain sarsaparilla root. Nettle.


Fibroids bleeding congestion

Uterine Fibroids are considered to be a form of stagnant blood in Chinese herbalism. This concept is very effective therapeutically it’s merits is from a scientific angle. Our herbal product is very effective once recommended doses follow

Immune System

This formula will aid in the support of sending chemical commands to the body to produce more immune cells. Toxic microorganisms take important vitamins and minerals from our body. Whilst polluting our bodies with waste resulting in a compromised system that affects major organs and weakens our immune system. Our Immune System herbal combination contains the following:

About 70% of your immune cells live in your gut. They are very important to your gut microbiomes (The bacteria) Fungi living in your gut or gut bugs the wider away of diversity we have of these gut bags the better our immune health will be to your overall health.

These gut bugs line your digestive tract and are directly correlated to your dietary/ lifestyle choices means eating more colourful fibre food and avoiding highly processed foods, sugar, saturated fats, however there array of herbs that can help or reduce inflammation improve your overall diseases health and heal and repair damaged gut wall.

Scientists have discovered that you have a second brain in your gut (ens) centric nervous system. Its made up of 100million nerve cells that live in your entire digestive tract from your esophagus to your rectum. eg feeling butterfly in your stomach.

Resaerchers  have discovered that the ENS can trigger big emotions shifts more so for people IBS irritable bowel syndrome. Such as diarrhoea, constipation bloating pain stomach upset.These are signs/symptoms of inflammation in your gut which leads to inflammation throughout your body.


Lungs Herbal Formula kit 

Our blended Lungs kit include achillea, Arctium, Hyssops, Lobelia, mullein leaf etc.

This blended herbs provide support for healthy stuck mucus from the lungs clear the bronchial passage to maintain optimum breathing and aLso for nutritional maintenance and restoration of lung tissues.

…And Many More

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We offer different products including Female Detox Kit, Male Detox Kit, Male Booster Formula, and Blood Cleansing / Purification Formula

u00a9 2022 Created by Tech Pack Business Technologies (techpack14@gmail.com)